Exam will be held on Wednesday, October 23rd 2014, at 10 a.m. in room 143. Please read “A Clean and Well-Lighted Place” by E. Hemingway and “Queenie” by Alice Munro as they will be the subject materials. Copies of both are available in my locker, feel free to grab them!
(5) It will be an open book exam. You can bring books as many as you can, but no internet and cell phones! Cheaters will be expelled!
Professor Smith
To whom the announcement is made?
A. Students of English Literature Class
B. Professor Smith
C. E. Hemingway and Alice Munro
D. The readers
Jawaban untuk soal yang di tanyakan
Pengumuman di atas ditujukan kepada seluruh siswa di kelas Sastra Inggris. Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah opsi a. Students of English Literature Class. Jawabannya A